Santo Stefano di Camastra

The name of Santo Stefano di Camastra derives from the monastery of S.Croce di Santo Stefano in Val Demone. The name “Camastra” was later added to honour the memory of the duke Giuseppe Lanza who rebuilt the feudal town after the violent landslide in 1682.

The most important monument of the village is the Mother Church, built in 1685 with a highly decorated façade, Baroque columns and precious frescos dating back to the 18th century.

  • Other important monuments include:
  • The 19th century Church of Calvario,
  • The Church of Maria SS. della Catena,
  • The Palazzo Armao,
  • Federico’s wall,
  • The 18th century Santuario del Letto Santo,
  • The 12th century Palazzo Trabia


Milazzo is the largest council in the Metropolitan City after Messina, the prime location for setting foot on to one of the UNESCO world heritage sites, the Aeolian Islands. (the main port of departure for those heading to the Aeolian Islands)  With several Hydrofoils (passenger only) leaving daily and throughout the year, crossings take between 45 Minutes to 2.5 hours depending on which Island you are heading for.


Between Capo D’Orlando and Milazzo, driving along the Palermo-Messina highway you will undoubtably notice what seems to be a large church perched on a rock high above the sea.  This is the sanctuary of the Black Madonna of Tindari, a place of pilgrimage but also the site of an Ancient Greek town.  There are ruins still existing here where the town once was.

This is a great site for history lovers, but also for those who are a interested in stunning architecture, as the church itself is really quite beautiful inside and out.


An attractive historic town and seaside resort.  Cefalù is a nice relaxing place to unwind.  It has no Carson the historic centre and some of Sicily’s best Byzantine mosaics as well as a sweeping sandy beach stretching alongside the town.  In the medieval district, the town’s main tourist attraction is the Duomo, a handsome and imposing two-towered Norman cathedral.


Sicily’s most famous resort-town.  It combines the drama of the former Greek Colony with beautiful seascape vistas, as well as liberal amounts of Bourganvillea.  It is the home of an impressive roman open-air theatre (Teatro Greco) with great views up and down the coast.  And if the beautiful buildings and breath-taking views aren’t enough, there’s a network of winding streets strewn with luxury shops, bars and restaurants.


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