Discover Sicily

Sicily is the largest of the Italian islands.  It is one of the pearls of Southern Italy: a place where nature seems to have given all of its wonders.  Dramatic scenery, rugged mountains, rolling hills, fierce volcanoes, crystal clear waters and soft sandy beaches, Sicily has it all

How to reach us?

Due to the remote location in the beautiful Sicilian hills, a car is necessary for getting around with ease as well as exploring the nearby towns, stunning coast and UNESCO heritage site Mount Etna.  Car rental is available from all the airports in Sicily, but in Summer we recommend pre-booking.


  • Emergency Services: Dial 112 for All.
  • Currency: The Euro
  • Tipping: Is not customary. A small service charge is normally included.
    If service is good, you can leave a tip if you choose. There is sometimes a tip jar.
  • Driving: Maximum speed in built-up areas is 50km/h (30 mph), on main roads it is 90km/h (55 mph) and 130km/h on motorways (80 mph.)
    Seat-belts must always be worn. Drink-driving or speeding is taken seriously and you can be fined 1500-6000 Euros.
  • Language: English is spoken little by the older generation but most young people have a basic understanding of English.
    In restaurants and at the main tourist attractions, English is widely spoken.

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