Experiences and Additional services booking conditions

Experiences and additional services bookings are provided by independent local companies or individuals which are neither owned nor controlled by Village Malú. We act solely as agent for the supplier of them and your contract will be directly with that supplier and will be subject to their standard terms and conditions, and it will not form part of your contracted holiday arrangements with us. Any complaint (including any allegation of breach of contract or negligence) should be taken up with the excursion/activity supplier directly. We will do our best to assist you but will have no liability in relation to the performance of that contract. In these Booking Conditions, “supplier” means the person or entity operating or providing the Village Malú Experience or additional service with whom your contract is, “Village Malú”, “we”, “us” and “our” refers to Village Malú Ltd, “you” and “your” refers to all persons named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date).

Make sure that you are covered for the activity(ies) in question by your travel insurance policy.

Please read these terms carefully before you submit your booking to us. These terms tell you who we are, how we will sell Experiences to you, how you and the Supplier may change or cancel your booking, what to do if there is a problem and other important information.

1. Your Booking

When you make a booking with us, the first named person on the booking agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that:

a. they have read these Experiences and additional booking Conditions and has the authority to and do agree to be bound by them;
b. they consent to our use of information personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is authorised on behalf of all persons named on the booking to disclose their personal details to us, including where applicable, special categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities and dietary requirements). 
c. they are over 18 years of age and where placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that they and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services;
d. they accept financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking.

When you make a booking of an Experience or additional services we act as a booking agent only on behalf of the Supplier of your chosen Experience or extra services. Your contract will be with the supplier concerned and not with us. We are not responsible to you for the provision of the Experience or experience and additional services, this responsibility lies with the Supplier.

2. Make a booking

All bookings are made on our website via your secure client area, subject to availability. All experiences or additional service should be booked at least 48 hours in advance. This allows us to ensure that we can provide the best possible experience for you. We will take payment on behalf of the Supplier and no further payment will be due locally. Full payment is required at the time of booking unless agreed otherwise, your booking will be confirmed after you completed and submitted the online booking form. A confirmation email will be sent to you with all the relevant details of the experience or additional services. Your contract will be with the supplier concerned and not with us. All prices are inclusive of taxes unless otherwise stated. Your invoice should be given to you by the Supplier when you receive the service. All correspondence and documents will be sent to the email address registered on your Secure Client Area. It is your responsibility to check the confirmation carefully and any other documents we send you, as soon as you receive them, and contact us immediately if any information is wrong or incomplete.

If we are or the relevant Supplier is unable to accept your booking, we will inform you of this in writing and will not charge you. If you have already made payment, we will refund this to you. This might be because the Experience or additional services is no longer available, or because we have identified an error in the price or description of the Experience.

We will assign a confirmation number to your booking and tell you what it is when we confirm your booking.

3. Price and Payment

The costs of all Village Malú Experiences and extra services are normally displayed on our website or will be sent to you upon request, via email. Prices are per person, unless otherwise specified. Prices are based on the local tariff at the time of quoting. Prices on our website are quoted in Euros, Sterling and US Dollars. You may confirm and pay for your booking in Euros, Sterling or US Dollars. The total price of your chosen arrangements (which includes VAT) will be the price indicated to you during the booking process and confirmed. This total price will be calculated using the exchange rate indicated on our website at that time and will be set when the booking is confirmed by us.

Suppliers reserve the right to change prices due to availability or other factors. Any price changes will be confirmed to you before the booking is confirmed.

We accept and encourage payments by bank transfer. We also accept payments via PayPal, Visa, Visa Delta, MasterCard, and American Express credit or debit cards. Please note that payment via any corporate card will be subject to a non-refundable 3% surcharge, to reflect the cost incurred by us in processing this type of payment. 

For those Experiences or additional services where local payment is required, you must ensure that you are able to pay using a method acceptable to the Supplier. Please note that many Supplier will only accept a cash payment in euro and do not have credit or debit card facilities. Please check with us if you are uncertain which method of payment you can use for your Experience or additional services.

4. Your contract

A binding contract between you and the supplier of the Village Malú Experience or additional services is created at the time the booking is made. Your booking with us is subject to these terms and their standard terms and conditions of the relevant Supplier you contract with. The Supplier terms and conditions may limit and/or exclude the Supplier’s liability to you. We act as a booking agent only when you make a booking of an Experience or additional services.

5. Amendment and Cancellations by you

If you wish to make any changes or cancel, your confirmed Experience or additional services booking, please contact us. We will contact the Supplier and let you know if the change is possible. Changes and cancellations can only be accepted in accordance with the Supplier terms and conditions, who may charge the cancellation or amendments charge. You may cancel your booking up to 48 hours before the start of the Experience or additional services for a full refund. Cancellations made within 24 hours or less of the start of the Experience or additional services will not be refunded.

Where your request change can be made an administration fee of 25£ (or equivalent in Euros or US dollars)  per change will be due. Administration fees are non-refundable. If the Supplier cannot make the change or the consequences of making the change (such as an increased price) are unacceptable to you, you may want to cancel your booking.

If you wish to cancel your confirmed experiences or additional service booking, you must contact us in writing. Such notification will be effective on receipt by us.

If you cancel either a cook service or shopping service within 48 hours of the start of the service and the food has already been bought, you will be provided with a receipt and liable to pay for the shopping. If you cancel on the day that the service is booked for, the full cost of the service will be payable.

It is possible you may be able to reclaim any cancellation charges, after any excess due and depending on the reason for cancellation, under the terms of your insurance policy.

For Experiences or additional services where the payment is due locally, you may need to pay a cancellation fee to the Supplier directly in accordance with their terms and conditions.

Where you have booked a transfer, it is typically the case that the Supplier will apply a cancellation charges.

6. Amendment and Cancellations by the supplier

Our responsibility if the Supplier changes or cancels your confirmed experience or additional service booking. In such an event, we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible, but cannot accept an liability to you for any charge in the event the Supplier makes a change to or cancels your confirmed booking. We will also liaise between you and the Supplier in relation to any alternative experience arrangements offered by the Supplier. In the event of cancellation by the supplier, we will assist you in obtaining a refund from the supplier. Refunds will be processed only once we have received your booking amount from the supplier. We will forward the full amount to you using the same payment method that was used to make the booking.

7. Force Majeure

Except where otherwise stated in these terms, neither Village Malú nor the Supplier of your chosen Experience or additional service will any liability including for compensation, costs and expenses where the performance or delivery of an Experience is prevented or affected by, or you otherwise suffer any damage, expense or loss as a result of “force majeure”. In these Terms, Force Majeure means any event beyond our or our supplier’s control or supplier control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such causes include, without limitation, war (whether actual or threatened), political unrest, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, act of god, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, chemical or biological disaster, significant risks to human health such as infectious disease, epidemics, pandemics or natural disasters such as floods, fire, volcanic eruption, earthquakes or adverse weather conditions, unavoidable technical problems with transport; airport, port or airspace closures restriction or congestion, flight or other travel restrictions imposed by any regulatory authority or another third party and all similar events outside our or the concerned supplier’s control.

8. Your responsibilities

a) You must check all the details of your chosen Experience or additional service are suitable for you at the time of the booking. Some Experiences may carry inherent risk or require a good level of physical fitness. By participating in an Experience, you assume all risks associated with that Experience.

b) It is your responsibility to ensure your travel insurance covers your booked Village Malú Experiences or additional services. Please read your policy terms and conditions carefully because many insurers exclude cover for activities they consider to be hazardous. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, neither we nor the Supplier will not be liable for any losses suffered by you in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

9. Our Liability

Experiences and additional services bookings are provided by independent local companies or individuals which are neither owned nor controlled by Village Malú. We act solely as agent for the provider of them and your contract will be directly with that supplier and will be subject to their standard terms and conditions.

We cannot accept responsibility for any information about the Experiences and additional service that we pass on to you in good faith. We provide you in good faith with information about, and how to book, our Village Malú Experiences and additional services.

By booking an Experience or additional service, the Customer acknowledges and accepts the risks associated with the Experience. The Customer is responsible for their own safety during the Experience.

However, in the event that we are found liable to you on any basis whatsoever, our maximum liability to you is limited to twice the cost of your booking (or the appropriate proportion of this if not everyone on the booking is affected). We do not exclude or limit any liability for death, or personal injury that arises as a result of our negligence or that of any of our employees whilst acting in the course of their employment.

9. Complaints

If you have any complaints or issues during your Experience or additional service, please report them to the Supplier immediately so they can attempt to rectify the situation on the spot. You can also contact us and , if we are able to, we will assist you in resolving or attempting to resolve a claim or complaint is provided in our capacity as agent and on a goodwill basis.

If your complaint or claim is not resolved locally, please follow this up as possible after your return home, please write us within 28 days of the end of your Experience or additional service and we will contact the supplier on your behalf, in our capacity as an agent only. Please include your booking reference and all relevant information.

As we act only as agent for the suppliers for all Village Malú Experiences and additional service bookings, we are not responsible to you for any refunds or compensation payments and nor can these be made without the supplier’s authorization.

10. Your Safety & Protection 

Experiences or additional services provided in a country are governed by the law and standards of that particular country. These laws and standards may not be the same as in your home country and may sometimes be lower.
It is your responsibility to ensure you are satisfied with the safety standards and precautions offered by the supplier before using any service(s) or taking part in any Village Malú Experience or additional Service.

11. Babysitting
We have a policy of not recommending or endorsing childcare or babysitting providers as we do not believe we are in a position to do so. We do understand that many of our clients require these services when taking a villa holiday. However, in view of the safety, security and suitability concerns which all parents have when sourcing childcare or babysitting providers, clients need themselves to be comfortable with and to carry out their own checks on such providers. Please bear in mind that the majority of these providers will not have any official childcare qualifications. Any babysitting or childcare arrangements which you may make with the local staff at your villa are entirely at your discretion. To Tuscany does not vet or check local staff for suitability for providing childcare and we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for such arrangements.

12. Housekeeping/Extra cleaning

Extra cleaning service is available and organized by Village Malú LTD. Extra cleaning service prices vary, depending on the location. If you would like to have further service then please note the following:

which dates you require the service, any preference to time of day.

13. Cook Service:

Cooking services vary and are charged either on an hourly basis or on a per-person basis. Please check our website or contact us for more details.

14. Food shopping:

If you send us a shopping list in advance, before the deadline for booking additional services, we can arrange this for you. In addition to the cost of the purchased items, please note that there is a service charge for this service, refer to our website for a price guideline. Whilst we do our utmost to ensure the accuracy of the list, this service is prone to errors due to misinterpretations and substitution of local products for those requested. Prices indicated on the website serve as a guideline only and are subject to change. If you are celebrating a special occasion, you may like to book a Celebration Hamper. The contents can be tailored to your taste and the occasion.

15. Your conduct            

You are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards the Experience supplier and other participants. If, in the opinion of the supplier or any other person in authority, you behave inappropriately in a way that causes, or is likely to cause, danger or risk of injury to yourself or others, the supplier reserve the right, without prior notice, to terminate your participation . The provider will then have no further responsibility toward such person(s) and no costs, expenses or refunds will be paid.

16. Accuracy of website
We make all reasonable effort to provide accurate and up to date information on our website. Sometimes though, errors and changes do occasionally occur. We cannot accept liability for errors. Prices and details of Village Malú Experiences or additional services are subject to change without notice and availability.

17. Variation

We reserve the right to change these experience and additional services booking conditions at any time. Every time you wish to use our site please check all of our terms to ensure you and familiar with the current version. The most current version of the booking conditions will supersede all previous versions.

18. Governing law and Jurisdiction

These experience and additional services booking conditions and our contract with you are governed by English law and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction. You may however, choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you live in those places and if you wish to do so.


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