
A village of medieval origin which offers a rich heritage of art, picturesque streets, squares and beautiful views that extend from Capo Milazzo to Capo Calavá with a view of the Aeolian Islands and behind it the Peloritan hills. Where all of our business is concentrated exclusively in this beautiful town. Castroreale, voted Italy’s second most beautiful Village in 2018.

A village of medieval origin which offers a rich heritage of art, picturesque streets, squares and beautiful views that extend from Capo Milazzo to Capo Calavá with a view of the Aeolian Islands and behind it the Peloritan hills. Our business is mainly concentrated in this beautiful town. Castroreale, voted Italy’s second most beautiful Village in 2018.

The most important cultural attractions of the village are;

  • The Cathedral (sec.XVII-XVIII) with the richly carved choir and the 17th century organ, the XVI century polyptych of the nativity of Christ of Giovanni Criscuolo,the statues of Gagini and Calamech.
  • The Church of Candlemas in which shines a sumptuous 17th century altar in carved and gilded wood.
  • The Church of St. Agatha, which contains the marble group of the annunciation by Antonello Gagini (1519), the statue of Sant’agata by Montorsoli, the statue of “Cristo Lungo” (long Christ), a relic of great devotion.
  • The Tower of Federico II
  • The Church of St. Maria degli Angeli
  • The Church of S.s Salvatore and its bell Tower Campanaria from 1560
  • The Church of Santa Marina
  • The Church of St. Filippo Neri

The most important events of the village are;

  • The Corpus Christi Flower Festival (June)
  • The “ Christo Lungo” (long Christ) procession: a very interesting religious event that takes place during the holy week and 23-25 August, where a Crucifix is placed on a 12 metre pole and taken around the Village.
  • Castroreale Jazz Festival (End of July – early August)
  • Night walk with entertainments and food tastings (August)
  • The Castriciano Biscuit Feast and Granita (August)

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