Montalbano Elicona

The village of Montalbano Elicona is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, and was nominated “The most beautiful Village of 2015”. The origins of this charming village date back to the eleventh century when it was ruled by many important Sicilian families such as the Lancia in 1396, and the Colonna and Bonanno in 1587.

The village of Montalbano Elicona is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, and was nominated “The most beautiful Village of 2015”. The origins of this charming village date back to the eleventh century when it was ruled by many important Sicilian families such as the Lancia in 1396, and the Colonna and Bonanno in 1587.

The most important monuments of the village are;

  • The Swabian-Aragonase Castle 
  • The Church of Santa Cateria
  • The Santuario of Maria SS della Provvidenza
  • The Mother Church
  • The Church of Spirito Santo
  • The Church of San Michele 
  • The Ancients Mills of Elicona,
  • The Museo Storico Fotografico Eugenio Belfiore
  • The Altopiano dell’ Agrimusco
  • The Malabotta Forest placed between the Nebrodi and Peloritani mountains, includes an impressive trees species such the Cerro (a type of oak), the wild pear, the elder, Ash, Maple, Cytisus, Hazel Nut and Chestnut cultivation.

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